• info@stellariumconsole.com
Sleek & Beautiful

Stellarium Console

An easy way to use Stellarium

Give power and spectacularity to your astronomical classes!


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Sleek & Beautiful

New layout

Try out the new layout! The console is now darker: it uses red tones and a new, more modern and attractive graphic style!

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Training and Pro Editions

As of version 5.0, Stellarium Console contains both the code for the Training and the Pro editions. The Training edition is for free and you can use it at your home forever.

Sleek & Beautiful

Do your lessons with PDF files

You can open up any pdf files directly from the console to help you during your astronomical lessons.

New features of the 5.x version

Read more about the new version

Sleek & Beautiful

Draw on Stellarium

A new powerful feature allows you to draw anything on the Stellarium window. Your audience will be astonished about your comprehensive lessons.

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Move around the world

Thanks to a big world map, you can change your location on Earth by simply clicking on it. So if one asks you to see how the sky appears in the opposite side of the world, you can do it really easy.

Sleek & Beautiful

Play all your videos

The new version of Stellarium Console integrates a Windows Media Player plugin that allows you to play all the video formats. No need to install a third party software.

Sleek & Beautiful

Extra time controls

Thanks to extra time controls, the 5.0 version simplifies the change of the current date and time. Four new buttons simply change the date to one of the solstices or equinoxes.

2 agosto 2016 No Comments

Nuove caratteristiche della versione 5.x

Nuove funzionalità della versione 5.x Il codice della versione 5.x è stato completamente riscritto. Adesso, le edizioni Training e Professional sono accorpate all’interno del medesimo software. Non devi fare altro che selezionare quale edizione lanciare all’apertura del programma. Stellarium Console non si serve più di software di terze parti per riprodurre i video. Ogni video […]

2 agosto 2016 No Comments

Che cos’è

Stellarium Console è un software molto intuitivo che ti permette di usare il noto software di astronomia Stellarium con un proiettore digitale fisheye. È disponibile in sei lingue: italiano, inglese, francese, spagnolo, cinese e turco. La sua forza è la facilità d’uso. In poche ore, chiunque può tenere una lezione di astronomia in un planetario. […]

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Stellarium Console Source Code Sell!Stellarium Console SOURCE CODE for sell! If you are REALLY interested in purchase Stellarium Console Source Code, please write me (info [AT] stellariumconsole DOT com). I sell also the economic rights so you can sell the executable and the software for your own without any fee to me! 


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